com where you can read than a million books for free This is an OCR edition with typos Excerpt from book CHAPTER II UTILITY OF THE LAKES INTERNAL NAVIGATION SUPERIOR TO RUSSIA PETER THE GREAT AND CAPTAIN PERRY THEORY OF EVAPORATION COMPARATIVE MEAN DEPTHS NUMBER OF MILES AND ELEVATION OF THE LAKES FISH EFFECTS OF THE LAKES ON THE TEMPERATURE WARMING INFLUENCE OF LAKE HURON OVER THE WHOLE WESTERN PENINSULA Canada is yet in her colonial dawn but the dawn is one of cheering promise She possesses a virgin soil finely timbered forests rich mineral ores as yet little worked and lands on the Huron tract of almost unrivalled fertility with an immense water power which when once put in use by a thriving and increasing population will render her one of the greatest commercial countries in the world Providence by the gift of lakes which from their vast extent may be fairly denominated inland seas has marked her for a land of commerce She enjoys the double advantage of an inland water communication and an outward maritime one with Europe the United States South America and the world in general Her commercial relations are as yet only in their infancy But what will they not be when the PETER THE GREAT AND CAPTAIN PERRY 11 vast tract north west of Lake Superior shall be opened for the reception of the produce of the West Twelve thousand mariners are employed at present in the navigation of the lakes Russia is the only commercial country that possesses the same natural advantages though in an inferior degree for the Russian lakes did not communicate with each other till the wisdom of her wise regenerator Peter the Great established a communication between them by the aid of Captain Perry an English engineer to whose genius Russia is indebted for her inland water communication by means of the canals he cut and the rivers he made navigab Twenty seven Years in Canada West..
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