Hyperborean race
Richard Skelton is a British musician Following the death of his wife Louise in 2004 he began to make music as a way of coming to terms with the tragedy His music which uses a number of instruments principally guitar and violin has been compared with that of Arvo P rt among others His recordings explicitly reference places of emotional resonance specifically the West Pennine Moors and the area around the sparsely populated parish of Anglezarke. Hyperborea tv HYPERBOREA the land beyond the north wind a land for giants with the sun shinning all the time annihilating the night the place where there would be no fear or dread It may be difficult to imagine the cities of this region of dreams which might have artificially maintained horror and ecstasy This quest for the nightmare in the perfect land is at the base of the second book in the series The Ashes of the Cities Starting with Seer by Richard Skelton the first collaboration of this remarkable poet with Raphus Press a poetic meditation on the flux of ruins and debris of memory in the cities In the second piece The Perpetual Landscape Alcebiades Diniz Miguel recovers the opposition between the savagery of nature the woods and the domestication of the culture the city Finally we present a spectacular work by Jo o do Rio the great chronicler and journalist writer whimsical dandy of the Brazil modernization at the beginning of the 20th century capturing with subtlety and ingenuity the emergence of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro in the narrative The Open Settlements of Misery translated direct from Portuguese HYPERBOREA
HYPERBOREA By Richard Skelton |
English |
44 |
Chapbook |
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hyperborean race |
hyperborean wind |
hyperborea map |
hyperborea flag |
hyperborea meme |
hyperborea meaning |
book hyperbole and a half |
the book of hyperborea |
Book hyperborea |
Book hyperborean |
Book hyperborea meme |
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