Dance in the Sun By Monique Moliere Piper

Book dance in the sun book

Dance in the Sun by Monique Moliere Piper is a book that starts with how Monique started out in this world as what people would say a girl stuck in a lifestyle that repeats itself over and over She looks at where she came from and pulls gems from what life has taught her. The day the sun danced One of the gems that she mentions is practice makes better How often as a parent do we have our own children practice a sport a song their multiplications an act of kindness or even cleaning their room until they can do it on their own but we forget this when it comes to our own life situations or attitudes. Dance in the sun book pdf Monique mentions life can change in a blink of an eye but don t lose the importance of a value centered life There is a direct connection between the decisions we make and our quality of life I have enjoyed reading this book it is like a reset button for my life thank you Monique English The author discusses several techniques that can be incorporated into daily life to feel complete and happy Some techniques she discussed are looking in the mirror saying affirmations removing people who bring you down and practice makes better instead of faking I hadn t actually thought about how much of who I am is based upon my background circumstances I totally agree with the author that ultimately we are responsible for who we become despite those influences I also agree with the author about the fact that we only get mad at the truth when it comes to personality flaws I liked that the author shared her own experiences so that the reader can see how she applied her techniques in her own life Despite cultural differences it often surprises me how much we as in the human race are the same We suffer the same anxieties and fall into the same type of behavior patterns One example the author mentions is constantly staying busy to ignore the pain of loneliness or unhappiness I have met people who use being busy as shield for them to deal with issues Overall good read for anyone who likes to self help books with a spiritual influence English This is a motivational book in which Piper tells how she had a bad start to life then she shows the methodology she used to pick herself up and become successful the idea being I can do it so can you so get up and get going The books is reasonably clearly written and the philosophy behind it is reasonable It is really an exhortation to stop finding excuses and start working towards what you want out of life She paints a number of reasons and excuses for why you will fail and exhorts you to throw such excuses in the trash and be positive Much of it is actually common sense If you are expected the miracle method it is not there which raises the book in my estimation because there is no miracle method Get going and work hard is not a miracle The formatting is quirky in places and a little confusing in others but that should not bother you. Book dance in the sun pdf I disagree with a couple of points She states that the harder you work the luckier you get and she says you make your own luck No you don t Luck is one of those things that are outside your control However the harder you work the opportunities come your way so you need to depend on luck less The second thing I disagree with is the omission of restricting your plans to the achievable Any strategy needs to be feasible and there has to be a clear idea how it can be carried out what might go wrong and what you do then Piper omits that However overall if you are in a slough of despondency or the world seems to be against you reading this book may well give you what you need to start fresh and turn your life around English

Dance in the Sun By Monique Moliere Piper
Kindle Edition
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Dance in the Sun is about getting started on the journey to living exactly as God created us all to be our authentic selves It addresses the ways in which this journey gets constantly interrupted by our habits beliefs and conditioning and the struggles in our lives that cloud our view so that we may never catch a glimpse of our true selves this book will show you ways to get on the path to uncovering your heart s desires instead of what you have been taught is realistic Dance in the SunDance in the Sun.