Cina de taină By Ionel Teodoreanu

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Ionel Teodoreanu was a famous Romanian novelist between the two World Wars He is mostly remembered for his books on childhood and adolescence themes Born in Ia i into a family of intellectuals Teodoreanu followed his father Osvald Teodoreanu and older brother P storel Teodoreanu himself a well known writer in studying law and becoming a lawyer After graduating the National Highschool in Ia i he obtained his Law degree in 1919 Although he worked as a lawyer he was attracted to literature. Kindle Cina de tainan He made his debut in 1919 with the Bunicii The Grandparents sketch in the review nsemn ri literare His editorial debut was represented by the short story volume Uli a copil riei Childhood Lane 1923 Like his brother P storel a Ionel Teodoreanu was a famous Romanian novelist between the two World Wars He is mostly remembered for his books on childhood and adolescence themes Born in Ia i into a family of intellectuals Teodoreanu followed his father Osvald Teodoreanu and older brother P storel Teodoreanu himself a well known writer in studying law and becoming a lawyer After graduating the National Highschool in Ia i he obtained his Law degree in 1919 Although he worked as a lawyer he was attracted to literature. Book Cina de taina costa He made his debut in 1919 with the Bunicii The Grandparents sketch in the review nsemn ri literare His editorial debut was represented by the short story volume Uli a copil riei Childhood Lane 1923 Like his brother P storel a renowned epigrammatist he was linked to the Via a Rom neasc group led by Garabet Ibr ileanu who considered Ionel Teodoreanu to be one of the most promising writers of the generation following World War I. Cina de taină kindle In Ia i under Ibr ileanu s leadership he took active part in one of the most vibrant cultural movements in Romania between the two World Wars In this environment Ionel Teodoreanu published his classic novel trilogy site_link La Medeleni In Medeleni 1925 1927 its publishing was welcomed by Ibr ileanu with an enthusiastic review site_link Edi ie de poeme inedite realizat de Dumitru Vacariu si Lucian Vasiliu pe baza manuscriselor ce se afl n arhiva Muzeului Literaturii Rom ne din Ia i Manuscrisele au fost ncredin ate de autor cu c iva ani nainte de moarte prietenilor s i de tain Rodica i Dinu Bondi Cina de tain

Cina de taină By Ionel Teodoreanu
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