Magi Odyssey (The Magi Saga #5) By Andrew Dobell

Book Magi odyssey

Environments and people Kindle Edition Awesome read Okay so we take characters we enjoy and then we throw time travel into it and a really cool twisty way of assembling the storyline using time travel as one of the main narratives This book kicked some major ass And reading the author s notes as I always do I agree with the author There are so many spin offs that could come off this one Well I m off to the next book because these have been too much fun Kindle Edition Time travel is headache inducingHeya This is a great sequel and it cover up every single little plots and mysteries that the author implanted in the previous books In a way it was a reasonable way to give Amanda a power boost.

Thriller Magi odyssey putters

Magi Odyssey (The Magi Saga #5)I enjoyed this book and look forward to 6 Kindle Edition Wow A huge adventureGreat story and brilliant characters So many surprises and fantastic scenes Definitely looking forward to the next adventure with Amanda Kindle Edition Different and goodThis book is not what I was expecting at all Without any spoilers it s difficult to give a full review that said the story flowed well and some of the questions raised in previous books were answered here It s good go buy read it Kindle Edition Summary I m not a great fan of urban fantasy but I quite enjoyed this little romp It doesn t take itself too seriously and their is obviously a bigger story unraveling but this is a sort of coming of age start of a seriesPlotline Not too sophisticated but moves forward nicelyPremise Urban fantasy so I m not a big fanWriting Engaging lightEnding YepPace Never a dull moment Kindle Edition Time travel Amanda is sent back in time She must live thousands of years until she ends up back to now Read to learn what happens Kindle Edition Through the AgesAmanda goes back to prevent the Inquisition from interfering with the last only to discover she has to now live through those years. Book Magi odyssey This take us through the years she lived and fills in a lot of gaps as well as showing how she grows There s a lot to take in and it feels as though the previous stories were all an introduction leading to this point in her life Kindle Edition Great to see a lot of questions answered Another great book about Amanda While there were hints in some of the prior books it was nice to see the other side of some of the mysteries I was happy to learn books are planned for this series It seems there is a lot of room on this universe for many different stories connexions and new abilities The story finish on a mild cliffhanger that book 6 will surely make better. Magi Odyssey kindle unlimited I loved it and it was a longtime coming Kindle Edition Not BadI really liked the twists and turns of this plot in the book Spoiler alertthough you could see the branch off series coming I thought that there could have been build up as to why Yasmin had been so protective of Amanda Also of how old Amanda and Mr Black met and hooked up But all in all interesting Plot Kindle Edition An Epic Urban Fantasy Adventure Time Travel But I was having so much fun nearly getting killed in my own time The Inquisition found the Time Device With one simple change one thousand years ago they could destroy everything Sent back in time Amanda must stop them before it s too late But dealing with the Inquisition is only the beginning Amanda must find the strength to survive through a series of adventures and revelations in her quest to return home Read the fifth thrilling book of The Magi Saga today This book is a re release of Magi Odyssey and has been extensively edited and changed with additional new content Magi Odyssey The Magi Saga 5.