Objective Falaise: 8 August 1944–16 August 1944 By Georges Bernage

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Only 127 pages with lots of pictures and maps While maps and pictures are great and I love them in books in this case it just means that there is not a lot of actual text to read The author describes the battle from both sides Allies and Axis and includes the Polish and British forces attached to the First Canadian Army Mostly quotes from regimental or official histories with very little of the authors thoughts on the battles The pictures and maps that the author included do a good job of adding to the story and if they were not included the book would not be as interesting. EBook Objective falaise I should mention that he does talk about German Tank Commander Michael Wittmann and some of the theories on who actually killed him.

Kindle Objective falaises de

Objective Falaise: 8 August 1944–16 August 1944On the night of 8 August 1944 the First Canadian Army launched Operation Totalize directing their advance towards Falaise with the intention of breaking through the German defences south of Caen In spite of large numbers they were halted by the 12. Book Objective falaise pocket SS Panzer Division Hitierjugend who managed to block the 600 ard vehicles During one of the German counter attacks several Tiger tanks were destroyed including that of panzer ace Michael Wittmann who was killed in the process The offensive was relaunched a few days later under the name Operation Tractable the intention this time being to capture the strategically important town of Falaise and close the Falaise Pocket also known as the Corridor of Death This book provides the reader with a day by day account of this forgotten battle while also acting as a field guide including maps and both comtemporary and modern photographs Objective Falaise 8 August 1944 16 August 1944Objective Falaise describes the two operations that were launched by the First Canadian Army to capture Falaise the operations were OPERATION Totalize which was not successful and OPERATION Tractable. Book Objective falaises de The book is fairly short doesn t cover the one theory about the Canadians The book is very well made with thick high quality acid free paper and the pictures and maps are all colour when possible which while nice you are paying for in the cost of the book. Objective Falaise kindle store Unfortunately I would not recommend this book the way the information is presented almost feels like it is an appendix annex to an actual book on the Normandy campaign Some little things that I would have liked to have seen in this book would be a detailed orbat of the forces involved in the battles the author does list them in the narrative but a nice chart or listing would be useful and a timeline Again the author goes over the events but a nice chart would makes things easier to follow Georges Bernage Great photos and some good first person accounts from each side Moving these French books to an English format has certain limitations First the maps are an illegible mess The Heimdal books have bigger pages probably A4 and this book has much smaller pages Second there are sidebars some going on for pages and all that formatting is missing So the narrative can be confusing because of the interruptions I have lots of the Historica Heimdal and Histoire Collections books that are the originals but if you don t read French these adaptations are as close as you ll get The content is great but the Pen Sword versions are sloppy Georges Bernage.