Not So Virtuous Victorians (History Snapshots) By Michelle Rosenberg

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That this book does contain some images that people might find disturbing Jack The Ripper s victims mortuary photos Let men be compelled to wear our dress for a while and we should soon hear them advocating a change Amelia Bloomer. Book not so virtuous victorians bible The perfect read for non fiction and historical readers Michelle Rosenberg enjoyed this book and it was a great introduction to the Victorian era and some of the people that lived during the period. Victorian novels kindle unlimited The book was an easy one to read and dip in and out of It is well laid out and the different chapters were interesting as the author covered everything from fashion and the use of Belladonna for beauty purposes to arsenic in clothing.

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Not So Virtuous Victorians (History Snapshots)What springs to mind when you think of British Victorian men and women manners manners and manners Behaviour that was as rigid and constricted as the corsets women wore From iron knicker sexual prudery to men so uptight they furtively released their pent up emotions in opium dens and prostitute hot spots All of course exaggerated clich s worthy of a Victorian melodrama Each generation loves to think it is better than the last and loves to look aghast at the horrifying trends of their ancestors But are we really any different This glimpse at life for Victorian men and women might make millennials think again Men and women were expected to live very differently from one another with clearly defined roles regardless of class However lift the skirts a little and not only will you see that they didn t wear knickers but they were far less repressed than the persistent stereotypes would have us believe The Victorians were as weird and wonderful as we are today From fatal beauty tips to truly hysterical cures for hysteria to grave robbers playing skittles with human bones we have cherry picked some of the entertaining glimpses into the lives led by our Victorian brothers and sisters Not So Virtuous Victorians History Snapshots I enjoyed this so much that I read it in one sitting A fascinating but also frustrating read Story books romances love tales and religious novels constitute the chief part of the reading matter which American young ladies greedily devour We have known young ladies still in their teens who had read while libraries of the most exciting novels The taste for novel reading is like that for liquor or opium The way women were treated during the Victorian era is just completely wrong and it is difficult to not get angry I liked the illustrations featured in the book After reading this I defiantly want to read up on Effie Gray Anne Lister and Princess Louise A word of caution sexuality and scandals such as Oscar Wilde and his conviction and the Jack the Ripper murders. Not so virtuous victoriansboy I liked that the book does touch on so many topics but if you are looking for a in depth read on a specific area this book isn t likely to be for you it is of an overview but that said it is a great place to start and one to use as a springboard to read on about those mentioned I find the story of Anne Lister intriguing so she will be on my list to find out about It is 4 stars from me for this one this is the second book I have read by this author too and I really enjoy her writing style highly recommended Michelle Rosenberg Vaguely amusing but shallow Inaccuracies regarding clothing and a repetition of the myth that Queen Victoria didn t believe lesbians existed irritated me Quotations from the work of other authors are extensive but not attributed Michelle Rosenberg.