Continental Drift: The Evolution of Our World from the Origins of Life to the Far Future By Martin Ince
Continental drift book summary
Wow This large scale book is FULL of information and lots of cool maps and illustrations to engage with Information is presented through geological eras reading through this is like traveling through time The publisher indicates this book is for ages 7 10 but I feel that is too young for this amount of detail and the vocabulary level I would say ages 11 is fitting I do however think younger kids interested in science would adore flipping through this large format book just for the timeline of maps and illustrations of what life on Earth looked like in the past It s fascinating and incredible a a natural history museum in book form Continental Drift The Evolution of Our World from the Origins of Life to the Far Future Big and gorgeous. Kindle Continental drifter an around Great pictures Great information on geographical changes and plants and animals over earth s history Kids who love dinosaurs will love it Vocabulary may be difficult at first but the times it s looked at them they will get out of it Has a great timeline in the back Parents might want to read it with younger children Great for middle grade Continental Drift The Evolution of Our World from the Origins of Life to the Far Future L histoire de la Terre de la vie sur terre et de l volution des esp ces est intimement li e au mouvement de plaques tectoniques qui composent les continents et les fonds marins sur notre plan te Ce documentaire se propose de retracer de fa on chronologique l histoire des continents terrestres en partant d il y a 45 milliards d ann es La probl matique est pos e clairement d s le d part en tudiant la d rive des continents leur disparition ou leur assemblage on tudie galement l mergence de la vie sur terre et l histoire de son volution Ainsi pour chaque grande p riode une carte montre d abord les super continents avec un calque de nos continents actuels pour comprendre les mouvements puis s ensuit 3 pages d taillant pr cis ment les esp ces animales et v g tales typiques Des encarts font des points plus pr cis sur les recherches et d couvertes en cours Le format de ce documentaire est incontestablement une r ussite les cartes tendues permettent de bien se repr senter dans l espace et dans le temps De plus les illustrations stylis es se d marquent par leur trait fin et les lecteurs appr cieront d en apprendre autant sur les dinosaures que sur les insectes ou les mammif res La langue est claire recherch e mais pas inutilement compliqu e Enfin les derni res pages imaginent la suite de la d rive des continent dans les mill naires suivants en vulgarisant les th ories scientifiques actuelles Une belle fa on d ouvrir la r flexion sur le futur de notre plan te Continental Drift The Evolution of Our World from the Origins of Life to the Far Future Learn how the continents have changed throughout time and how continental drift has influenced the world we live in today Explore how the continents have drifted from the Devonian Era to the Jurassic Period to form the world as we know it This beautiful book will take readers through different periods and explore the ecosystems and conditions of each time and how the changes led to where we are now Learn about sea life insects animals plants rocks and This book will be sure to capture the attention of young readers and educate them in the process Continental Drift The Evolution of Our World from the Origins of Life to the Far Future.