Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality by Gerald R. McDermott

Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality
Paperback : Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality By Gerald R. McDermott
ISBN : 0801098297
ISBN-13 : 9780801098291
Publication : Published November 20, 2018
Number of Pages : 224
Format Type : Paperback
Title : Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality
Author : Gerald R. McDermott

Everyday gloryv

Gerald R McDermott PhD University of Iowa is Jordan Trexler Professor of Religion at Roanoke College in Salem Virginia and Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion He is the author or editor of ten books including Gods Rivals Why Has God Allowed Different Religions and Claiming Christ A Mormon Evangelical Debate Gerald R McDermott PhD University of Iowa is Jordan Trexler Professor of Religion at Roanoke College in Salem Virginia and Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Baylor Institute for Studies of Religion He is the author or editor of ten books including God s Rivals Why Has God Allowed Different Religions and Claiming Christ A Mormon Evangelical Debate site_link How do we know and speak about God s relation to this world Does God reveal himself through his creation This book recaptures a Christian vision of all reality that the world is full of divine signs that are openings into God s glory Bringing together insights from some of the tradition s greatest thinkers Edwards Newman and Barth Gerald McDermott resurrects a robust theology of creation for Protestants He shows how and where meaning can be found outside the church and special revelation in various realms of creation including nature science history law animals sex and sports Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of RealityOverall I quite enjoyed this book It has a fascinatingly apologetic tone to it though it is directed to believers than anyone else In that regard its exploration of natural theology does lend it towards that purpose The subtitle of the book had led me to believe that the book was going to deal with a doctrine of revelation which had all of reality in view Rather instead it is an exploration of typology with the undergirding assumption being that typology is how God reveals himself in all of reality. Book Everyday glory days So once I got past my initial disappointment of the book not quite being concerned with what I thought it was I really did enjoy the book One of my favorite chapters was the fourth where McDermott delves into how science points towards God and how there are types in science which glorify God I suspect many will be fascinated with his tenth chapter which explores world religions attempting to demonstrate those areas where they seem to carry types from the gospel or the Bible while not quite coming to the same conclusions. Book Everyday glory days The latter assertion might make some nervous but McDermott is pretty explicit about the limitations of natural revelation and especially those things other religions get right and where how they miss the mark In this sense the book is essentially an exploration of how one might go about perceiving the world according to Jonathan Edwards and his understanding of types This book was a pretty straight forward read I think the excellent research and healthy dose of footnotes will be quite acceptable to academics but McDermott s writing style is not overly complex and so I think this would also be accessible to most pastors and even lay people in churches For pastors McDermott s discussions of types might actually help point towards some good sermon illustrations as well as give some good boundaries for how such illustrations could be culled for theological doctrinal points Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality Gerald McDermott Jonathan Edwards expert has written a meditation on nature keyed from biblical typology building on the insights of Edwards and Newman It s in the vein of Leithart s Traces of the Trinity developing the approach into new areas He reflects on NatureScienceLawHistoryAnimalsSexSportsWorld religionsAnd each reflection fuses meditation on nature with scriptural insights Very worthwhile Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality Quite a good look at general revelation and natural theology building off theologians like Jonathan Edwards patristic scholars and even James Jordan s Through New Eyes The beginning chapters were the strongest The appendix on Luther s and Barth s rejection of natural theology was worth reading as well Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality This book opened my eyes And that is the end McDermott hopes the readers will take away from the book The title is a little deceptive because the book is really about typology and the types given to us in the natural world if we would just pierce through the mundane and look for the marvelous The over all thesis is strong but some chapters and types I found weak especially the one on sports Seriously after reading it I contemplated getting a pet dog after his discussion on animals For those who enjoy Jonathan Edwards this should be in your library Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality Exciting news I bought this book at the Circe conference after browsing all around the Baker Books table When I came home I realized it was on my list of books to read so I felt vindicated supported in my purchase This is an interesting book It is about types in the world that point to God Here s a rather esoteric example the light from distant stars show us the way it was thousands of years ago This connects to the Eucharist where the past of Christ s death and person come into the present in the sacraments In this case astrophysics gives us a type of this way God works by showing us how the past can come into the present. Everyday Glory epublishing I do enjoy this kind of thinking But then I become a little leery of it especially when the author talks about sports showing us how God enjoys play and light heartedness Mmmm What about the idolatry involved therein Good to consider ideas in this book Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality

Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality By Gerald R. McDermott
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Worth a reread Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality For since the creation of the world God s invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood from what has been made Romans 1 20 It s taken me a long time to get through this one but I made it This book is a really helpful reminder of all the ways God shows Himself to us in the world in nature science music sports moral law and other religious teachings. Everyday gloryvv iptv I found the chapter on moral law the most interesting I had no idea how many base similarities there are between different moral systems The 10 Commandments are definitely a handy summary though Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality McDermott s point in this work is to restore the enchantment of the world especially for Christians By investigating nature science morality sports etc. Everyday Glory bookkeeping he makes them claim that because everything is created and sustained by God that He has left glimpses of Himself throughout all creation even the places we wouldn t normally look He does his job It is an intriguing and compelling work that will benefit many Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality Great introductory book for someone who is interested in Biblical typology it is a great place to start As someone who watches the Symbolic World and other Jonathan Pageau s videos the concept seems to be a bit too simple Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality A book to own and reread especially loved the bit about birds Everyday Glory The Revelation of God in All of Reality Everyday Glory: The Revelation of God in All of Reality.