Winning the Heart of Your Child: 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your Kids By Mike Berry
Winning the Heart of Your childosophy
MUST READ FOR ALL PARENTS WITH KIDS AT HOME Practical ways to move from a parent with good intentions to an intentional parent I loved this book and I m so glad I read it I know I will be a better mom for having read this book and I m super grateful for that I think it would especially helpful for parents of teenagers This authors writes from a the perspective of a parent in the trenches not as a parent who has it all figured out I appreciated his humble and encouraging attitude I should probably read this book on an annual basis or whenever I feel like I m failing as a parent 0801093694 This book is full of practical advice regarding what Mike calls the 9 keys to building a positive.
Winning the Heart of Your childoption
But he did what he could to raise his children to be honoring of others in this life I received a complimentary copy of this book from Baker Books for a fair and honest review of the pages within it 0801093694 Winning the Heart of Your Child focuses on nine keys that will help parents to bridge the gap between them and their children and build a better relationship Berry talks about how to use your time wisely as parents He encourages us to think about the legacy we want to leave behind and focus on that instead of winning arguments which won t matter in the long run As the father of eight adoptive children.
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Lifelong relationship with your kids. Winning the Heart of Your childup Mike and his wife have adopted eight children and have a wealth of experience to put into this book I think this book does exactly what it promises and if this is your first book about parenting adopted children I think you will dive in and gain a lot of helpful and practical information If you have been in the christian adoption community for any length of time there will not be much new information here. Winning the Heart of Your childtime The Berry s are a respected name in that community and without a doubt this book will do well The publisher provided an ARC through Netgalley I have voluntarily decided to read and review giving my personal opinions and thoughts 0801093694 If you are a parent then this book is relevant for you I found myself being challenged and getting my toes stepped on in every chapter Just a few things that really jumped out at me One of the most important things about parenting it is what the title says winning the heart of your child The first chapter title says it well Winning the Argument but Losing the Heart Pick the Right Fight The chapter begins with this statement Sometimes it is easy to forget that you can win the argument and force the right behavior but lose the heart in the process Why does it feel so important to us as parents that we get it across that we are the one who s right and their opinion is wrong And then there s a chapter about boundaries and how children need and want them And it is required of parents that we are consistent yes oh so very difficult He goes on about various matters that are key and important but another thing that really spoke to me was that we need to allow and be ok with allowing others to have influence on our children s lives This especially changes as they get older This does not mean that parents don t have any influence any. To win the affection of children it s just that it s different This is one reason why it is so important to be a part of a community a church family or whatever where there are other spiritually mature Christians who are able and willing to speak into our children s lives. Winning the Heart of Your childpilot login What is it that we want people to remember about us after we are gone Are we living in a way that is accomplishing that goal Parenting is not for the faint of heart and especially as our children get older our third daughter is becoming a teenager this week O it is so necessary and good and helpful to find books like this one that can give assistance in this journey of life. Winning the Heart of Your childminding As with any books it is of course important to remember that this book is not the Bible While it offers much helpful advice its words must be held up to the light of God s Word as we determine what God is asking of each one of us in our own lives. Winning the Heart of Your childminding Disclaimer I receive complimentary books from various sources including publishers publicists authors and or NetGalley I am not required to write a positive review and have not received any compensation The opinions shared here are my own entirely I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission s 16 CFR Part 255 0801093694 What a book y all I feel like a read it so fast because I couldn t stop taking in all of the advice Mike offered A quick read through to get an idea of the book as a whole this time and next time I will work through write out the Pause to Reflect questions at the end of each chapter Not only do I love the advice that was given in this book but I love that it is focused on long term parenting He applies his advice for parents with small children to parents of grown children and everywhere in between He also includes parents who have children of their own adopted children or a blend of both Highly recommend this one Just be sure to get yourself a brand new package of highlighters because you re gonna need them 0801093694 What is my why in parenting This is the question I take away from the book the one I want to think about occasionally Michael Hyatt said People lose their way when they lose their why And to quote Mike Berry the author When we don t know why we are doing something when we ve forgotten our purpose we get lost Remember that you are in this because you love your child and ultimately you want to raise a human being who lives with character and integrity and who leaves a lasting impression on the world That sums it up well that is why I try to be consistent that is why I listen and try to answer 10000 questions a day that is why I am trying to teach obedience and respect and responsibility But it is easy to lose the long term focus and just see the day and all its pressures and frustrations and lose heart and patience. Winning the Heart of Your childup Mike offers some good practical solutions and tips for help on this parenting journey I think one of them that sticks out to me is to endure the shift that time when your child no longer looks to you for their number one person but instead moves you down to number four and looks to friends culture and other adults first You are still on the list and your child is still hearing you even though they might not act like it Along with that point his next one was to widen your child s circle of influence and bring in other adults who share your values A child is likely to listen to them in five minutes of conversation than they are to you after three weeks of the same conversation And I am not too old to remember that myself other people just made sense than my own parents even if they were saying the same thing I still have years until I reach the teenage years but I know they will creep by swiftly. Winning the Heart of Your childonga I will say that the one thing I struggled with in this book was trusting the author He doesn t have enough years of parenting under his belt to make me fully trust him He s only been a parent for 16 years and yes he spent 17 years in family life ministry but I guess for me parenting books should be written by someone who s made it through the trenches and so I struggled to take him seriously I will say though that he made some excellent points and I think there s much truth behind what he says He is also the dad to eight children all of them adopted And while I don t like making the distinction between adopted and biological children some of their children are dealing with trauma that happened before they were adopted which has led to much intense parenting They also adopted a child at age 24 as well So all that to say I don t want to discredit the book at all I m just saying what gave me a bit of pause with it. Winning the Heart of Your childtime learning I received this book from Baker Books and was not required to write a positive review 0801093694 What can I say about a man who has written well in talking about parenting I know that I can say that Mike Berry knows what he s talking about as him and his wife Kristin have been parents to eight children through adoption Through their blog Confessions of an Adoptive Parent he has been able to amass a readership in the tens of thousands in helping other parents Considering I am in my forties along with my wife of ten years we ought to be parents ourselves but we re unable to have any children but then again I feel I digress With all of that said I feel I can say that Mike Berry s book Winning the Heart of Your Child has a great tone and feel to it Within the pages of the book which I refuse to spoil completely you can expect to find advice on how to better understand and to effectively win your child s heart Another part of what I can say he s done well with this book is that he sounds like Alex Kendrick playing a father and fellow law enforcement officer from Courageous I don t want to be a good enough father I want to be the best father I can be to my children Finally the last thing that comes to mind is what the Bible says about being an effective parent Paul wrote the words Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth And you fathers do not provoke your children to wrath but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord Ephesians 6 1 4 New King James italics for emphasis As I come from the upbringing of a father who not only served in the armed forces but loved his children as best he could I can say that one of the worst things a father can do to their children is to frustrate them with shame guilt and hardly next to no love But that s not the case with my own dad He did his best to show my sister and myself a great deal of love Berry reminds us that one of the major roles of parents is nurturing It s not just the role of the mother both parents ought to nurture their children Know God Berry reminded us that Satan is an opponent of family He seeks to destroy our connection to our children through fear Satan tells us that we are inadequate and that we have already failed to parent our children effectively He uses these lies to hinder us as parents But thank God for Jesus Through Christ we have the power to diminish the negative voices which speak lies into our parenting journey and instead focus on the One who is Truth and Light. Winning the Heart of Your childminding uk While not overtly Christian Winning the Heart of Your Child teaches biblical principles This book will remind you that your children are a gift from God and should be celebrated for who they are and supported along their journey. Winning the Heart of Your childos arabic Know yourself throughout Winning the Heart of Your Child Berry shared stories from his own parenting journey These stories encourage us to afford ourselves grace as we parent our children We need to also learn to identify the things which hamper us as parents Doing this will help us to actively work on those things so we can be better parents parents who pursue the hearts of our children. Winning the Heart of Your childtime daycare Run your race the key to being a good parent is to remember that each of us has a unique journey Our children are different and so are we While we are able to follow the same principles and have similar results we have to get away from our practice of comparing ourselves to other parents We have to stop comparing our children to other peoples children Allow our children to be themselves as we focus on winning their hearts. Winning the Heart of Your childbook I received an advance reader copy through the Baker Book Bloggers program My opinions are my own 0801093694 I loved Mike Berry s book Confessions of an Adoptive Parent so I was excited to read his newest title In Winning the Heart of Your Child Berry seeks to offer parents nine keys to building healthy relationships with their kids He reviews various parenting styles shares stories from his own family and gives a lot of hope and encouragement At the end of each chapter he provides questions to help readers process the information that was just read. Winning the Heart of Your childosophy As an adoptive parent I appreciated that the author came from a foster adoptive background because he understands some of the unique challenges that can arise I am thankful that I read this book now while my children are young 4 5 8 I gained a lot of insight as to what I should be thinking about as they get older although he makes very clear in the book that it is never too late to start using these principles While I found some of the information to be common sense there were many times when I was greatly convicted in how I have chosen to parent my boys He made me stop and think about my own parenting style and identify what is working and what is not I found quite a few practical helpful suggestions that I have since put into practice with great success I would definitely recommend this book to any parent I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher 0801093694 Kids they re so cute when they re sleeping but they don t sleep all the time Since our kids are human beings smaller than us at least until they hit those teenage growth spurts and with a lot to learn we as parents are put in the enviable position of teaching them They need to learn different things at different stages of their maturing and growing up and as they pass from one phase to another they want to learn in different ways Luckily we have authors like Mike Berry an adoptive father of eight who is willing to share some of the truths and techniques that he has found during his parenting career In Winning the Heart of Your Child 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your Kids Baker Books 2019 There is a lot of helpful advice which I like and he s managed to avoid the feeling that he s the expert and we re all helplessly and hopelessly lost floundering in the seas of toddler tween teen and young adult The reason that he makes this book work is that he is so open and transparent about his own issues with parenting both on the receiving end and as a parent Its not so much this is what you should do as it is this is my default position it rarely if ever has worked and this has worked better in our family There are pros to winning an argument but there are also cons and Berry discusses those as a lead in to setting boundaries And of course if you re anything like every other child in the country you probably know parents like those he describes as Gil Girls Buddy the Elf General Patton and Mr Strickland The core of the book are the 9 keys that he discusses in Part II Parenting for the Win Most the things he talks about are things that common sense should tell us but as manner of us have learned over the years common sense isn t always all that common These keys remind us about consistency influence involvement along with love listening and legacy All in all this is a great read for parents on any stage of the journey It s better to start early but very rarely is it too late to get started investing in tomorrow s relationship with your childrenI received a copy of this book as a member of the publisher s bloggers program I was not required to write a positive review. Winning the Heart of Your childminding 5 5 0801093694 If you re a parent this book is a must read The author takes a pretty wide subject parenting well and tunes it in to the most important thing winning our child s heart and what that looks like He gives practical advice and lays out clear guidance on how to connect with our child s heart rather than having behaviors and drama win He encourages us to watch the way we respond to our children s mistakes and make sure criticism and harshness aren t in it He reminds us to surround our children with other influencers knowing the love and truth we surround them with the better it can be for their hearts. Winning the Heart of Your childmed This is a book I will keep on the shelf to continue referring to We all long for our child s heart to stay connected to us into adulthood where we can enjoy a friendship with them This book encourages us to keep that in the forefront of our mind and gives great examples and ways to do that In the unpredictable days of parenting it is refreshing to have Berry s voice reminding us the ways we can keep that connection to our child s heart strong 0801093694 Librarian Note There is than one author in the Goodreads database with this name. Winning the Heart of Your childview Many of us enter parenthood with a perfect vision of what our family will be But along the way we discover that the children we ve been blessed with are real human beings with their own minds ideals and views of the world Our influence only goes so far and when those children reach the pre teen and teenage years it may seem to have disappeared completely Yet at no time in a kid s life is their parents positive godly influence critical For parents who are concerned that their child is pulling away following poor role models or making choices that will lead to pain and difficulty Mike Berry has good news it s not too late He offers parents nine keys to maximizing and leveraging their influence to help their children through these difficult years and develop a relationship with them that can weather any storm Winning the Heart of Your Child 9 Keys to Building a Positive Lifelong Relationship with Your Kids.