Book Rise, Decline and renewal
Rooks has an encyclopedia knowledge of Maine political history and it shows I learned a LOT about Maine politics from 1953 until present day Unfortunately for a book that purports to be about the Democratic Party the author s focus remains firmly on who the Governor is at any given time their relationship with the legislature and electoral results I would have preferred a book that analyzes the coalition building the fundraising and the organizing that went in to building the Democratic party This book does not provide that. Rise, Decline and renewalks I was prepared to give this book three stars until I got to the end where the author sets forth his recommendations for moving forward Here it becomes clear that the author and I have wildly different ideas about a what a party IS and b what makes for compelling policy goals Once again his focus was on Maine governance rather than upon the organization and leadership of a political party One suggestion that really bothered me was that there should be fewer bills in the legislature I don t understand how this would revitalize a party much less excite anyone beyond a few legislative aides Especially in an age where the Republican party is openly embracing fascism scholarship about the growth and failings Democratic party is sorely needed To my chagrin this book does not illuminate the path forward ebook Rise Decline and Renewal tells the remarkable story of the Maine Democratic Party how it suddenly rose from irrelevance in 1954 with the election of Governor Ed Muskie successfully challenged the ruling Republican Party over the next two decades and initiated a creative period of wide ranging reforms that produced a model government for a state long perceived as a cultural and economic backwater Prosperity was clouded by leadership failures however then succeeded by political and institutional decline The vision that had once galvanized Democrats faded elected officials clung to power and legislators failed to provide good representation for the citizens who d empowered them The final chapters describe how Maine s largest political party can again seize the initiative energize a new generation of young people and govern in the public interest once Rise Decline and Renewal The Democratic Party in Maine.