Book Updated July 2019 Does the Atom have Designer is a groundbreaking first of its kind analysis that critically examines if the order complexity and functionalities of the Atom arise simply from random events following the Big Bang This book written by a secular researcher searching for answers examines in some depth quantum behaviors such as quark gluon interactions within the atomic nucleus and electron photon interactions within atomic orbitals as well as their role in realizing the many functionalities of the Atom Aristotle s four causes are used to investigate the Why Questions to explore the causality of the Atom The answer to the Does your kitchen table have a Designer does not require a Scientific or a Mathematical explanation it requires a Logical one Aristotle s theory of causality was developed to show that four related causes or explanations are needed to explain change in the a material a formal an efficient and a final cause A complete explanation of any material change will use all four causes The Why Questions related to the Atom are investigated in great depth using this approach toward causality The commonly cited Then who designed the Designer is also addressed in the book The controversial and unverified Multiverse hypothesis often used against a Design argument is also discussed The book does not discuss any particular traditional religious belief but it does define God in the context of the Atom and Quantum Physics And yes your kitchen table does have a Designer Note that this is an argument based on Design and not on fine tuning Creator Atom Quantum Physics purpose irreducible complexity function underlying intelligence meta physics Thomas Aquinas causality Does the Atom have a Designer This is not a particularly good book It read as if it was written in point form rather than prose It appears to be self published and while the grammatical editing was excellent I didn t spot any errors the stylistic editing appeared non existent The content of the book was almost completely descriptive I kept waiting for an argument or a set of reasoning to take place When it finally did it was disappointing Basically the book describes the complexity of the atom down to the fundamental Physics Then the author argues that since the atom is irreducibly complex it must be designed Even while I agree with the author I don t believe the case or argument was convincing Thus ultimately the book is a disappointment Paperback At last my book has arrived that asks the question Does the atom have a designer Does it have the answer The nucleus or heart of the Atomic system formed within fractions of a second after the Big Bang and combined later with electrons that balanced out the charge within the system The Atomic System represents the starting level of complexity for the universe and consists of numerous subatomic particles whose quantum structure and interactions enable the physical electromagnetic nuclear chemical and biological functioning of the universe Without the Atom we would not have all the elements that make up the Universe We would not have the multi functionalities necessary for the functioning of the Universe The Universe could not function without the quantization of Matter and Energy and their interaction. Book does the atom have a designer? the atom The question is posed in Albert Einstein s quotation that still up to now remains science s unanswered dilemma and stumbling block We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library whose walls are covered to the ceiling with books in many different languages The child knows that someone must have written those books It does not know who or how. Pdf does the atom have a designer? atom Maybe this book will reveal the answer but I fear it may just raise another possible counter theory in the same vain as of the likes of String theory often paraded as a theory of everything Maybe we need to heed those recorded words of Jesus that says Unless you Become Like Little Children because although that child in Albert Einstein s library doesn t know how he or she knows they were written by someone In the case of the Atom was it God I suggest you read the book and decide for yourself. The development of the model atom Throughout time man has been in a quest of security of peace and of happiness however rare are those who divine that their quest in reality is a quest for God Fr Paul Maria Sigel Paperback