The Hound of Heaven2nd Illustrated Edition By Brian Oxley

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The Hound of Heaven2nd Illustrated EditionWhen Jesus told His followers how much we all need God s love it was not a theological treatise Instead He told a There once was a man who had two sons The simplicity of this famous parable belies some richly profound truths The story Francis Thompson tells in his classic poem The Hound of Heaven works in exactly this way stirring our hearts with a yearning we may not fully understand Something comes through the poem that we cannot quite put our finger on This book actually contains two versions of the poem the original and a modern adaptation Despite the depth and beauty of the poem it is written in a vernacular difficult to understand Our rationale for the adaptation of this masterpiece is to reveal its timeless beauty and insights for a broad modern audience The Hound of Heaven2nd Illustrated EditionI love the poem that this book is based on Those that enjoy Thompson s Hound of Heaven would probably enjoy reading this modern version Brian Oxley.