Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension By Sara K. Ahmed

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And humanity This is a must read for all educators and parents Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension Being the Change: Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social ComprehensionExcellent resource Can t wait to implement these ideas in the fall Such an important resource Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension Helpful for all to learn and grow Social comprehensionDo the work first and oftenHumilityEmpathy modeled Reflection at first I thoughtnow I think HumanizeListen to learnDialogical classroomsKnow and find commonalitiesProactive vs reactiveI first thought this may not apply to high school classrooms.

Being the changem

Topics such as race gender politics religion and sexuality are part of our students lives yet when these subjects are brought up at school teachers often struggle with how to respond How do we create learning conditions where kids can ask the questions they want to ask muddle through how to say the things they are thinking and have tough conversations How can we be proactive and take steps to engaging in the types of conversations where risk is high but the payoff could be even greater Being the Change is based on the idea that people can develop skills and habits to serve them in the comprehension of social issues Sara K Ahmed identifies and unpacks the skills of social comprehension providing teachers with tools and activities that help students make sense of themselves and the world as they navigate relevant topics in today s society Each chapter includes clear transferrable lessons and practical strategies that help students learn about a targeted social comprehension concept From exploring identity and diversity to understanding and addressing biases and microaggressions Sara demonstrates how to address real issues honestly in the classroom while honoring and empowering students Dealing with social issues is uncomfortable and often messy but you can build habitats of trust where kids and adults can make their thinking visible and cultivate empathy where expression identity and social literacy matter There is no magic formula for making the world a better place It happens in the moments we embrace discomfort and have candid conversations I am convinced that every class of kids I work with is filled with change agents who will make this world the one we teach toward I believe that my students will carry the work of doing right by this world into their own lives I ll bet you believe this about your kids too Sara K Ahmed Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social ComprehensionThis was great I loved that she transcribes her conversations when speaking with candor Great activities and they translate well for all age levels Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension This book is a game changer for educators as we develop a path toward social comprehension in our classrooms Sara s practicality and inspiration are the motivation that every educator needs to navigate hard topics and help our students and ourselves grow as human beings I feel like I have evolved from reading this book and I cannot wait to use all of her ideas with my own students Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension If you are a teacher get this book I am going to use every lesson with my students next year It is the roadmap I ve been searching for since I ve begun the process of learning how to be anti bias educator I think it can be used for all level learners though you may have to adapt some of the language and resources Ahmed has clearly worked with diverse groups of students because all of these lessons could be used with the very different demographics I ve worked with including adults Absolutely excellent and necessary Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension I REread Being the Change through the lens of whether it would work for a larger community book study outside of a school I still can t decide Would love for anyone who works kids to read this book Girl Scout Leaders Soccer Coaches Business Leader turned STEM Club Organizers Literacy Volunteers. The book of change pdf Sara K Ahmed will be the opening session speaker at the Indiana State Literacy Association 2019 Conference Saturday September 14 at Noblesville High School ISLA is encouraging its local councils and all Indiana schools to host a book study with Being the Change Lessons to Teach Social Comprehension by Sara K Ahmed. Being the change summary com kristin_patrick 8n Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension So glad to have read this for summer professional development as it urges the importance of teaching social comprehension to students by BeingTheChange to lead and make real effective changes in students and our communities Ahmed provides a scaffold of strategies and lessons that help teachers and students explore their own identities from making identity webs to sharing our name stories and to writing Where I m From poems She stresses the significance of doing the hard work i. The book of change pdf e working through uncomfortable silences and explicitly discussing difficult topics in the classroom She then moves onto teaching students about bias perceptions and microaggressions while teaching children to refuse to let others biases define them by writing I Am statements Next Ahmed sparks students interests in the world by first exploring their own news or what s in their lives that can help them make connections to what s going in the community in order to link their identity to making ideas for action in the community This places each child s identity in the a place in the world from home to school to the community and finally the world which leads students to think about what they have a say about or are responsible for what s happening in the world Ahmed also discusses ways for students to navigate two sides of an issue by understanding both perspectives as well as the meaning of intent vs impact This work is so important and will stay by my side this entire school year to work through with my students I want to celebrate our diversity perspectives but now I see how it can and should fit in all classrooms I feel it applies everywhere and I hope to proactively introduce and implement it in my universe of obligation Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension Ahmed s thoughts about how vital it is to bring identity into the classroom and her practical experiences in doing it were amazing to hear As is always the tricky balance with teaching books I kind of wish I got a little theoretical framework alongside the in depth walkthrough of lessons I would recommend for all educators at any age level regardless Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension A must read for every educator Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension Quite a few practical ideas of how to engage students in thinking and talking about their world Being the Change Lessons and Strategies to Teach Social Comprehension.

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