Contemporary Human Behavior Theory: A Critical Perspective for Social Work Practice (Merrill Social Work and Human Services) By Susan P Robbins

Book contemporary human behavior theory and practice

At the end of the day it s a text book but a theory textbook so I enjoyed it Susan P Robbins Encourage students to think critically about social work practice with a multidisciplinary theoretical approachContemporary Human Behavior A Critical Perspective for Social Work Practice takes a multidisciplinary theoretical approach to HBSE and provides a consistent analytical framework for readers to examine both traditional and contemporary theories Students are encouraged to develop their critical thinking skills as they explore each theory and analyze the social ideological and economic structures of society that impact individual problems Each chapter includes coverage of the research that supports a particular theory an analysis of the validity of that research and a discussion of contemporary issues Updated with material that is critical to social work practice today the 4th Edition includes new cases with practice application exercises and expanded content on lesbian gay bisexual transgender queer questioning and intersex LGBTQI persons development and empowerment Contemporary Human Behavior Theory A Critical Perspective for Social Work Practice Merrill Social Work and Human Services Contemporary Human Behavior Theory: A Critical Perspective for Social Work Practice (Merrill Social Work and Human Services).