Rescuing Nicholas: The Secret Mission to Save the Tsar (Education Book 1) By Ben Everidge
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Your eyeballs may bleed Even the cartoon Anastasia is accurate If Jack Manahan had written a book this would be it English For over 400 years the Tsars ruled Russia Nicholas II would be the last History says that the Romanov family was murdered by rebellious Bolshevik soldiers Executed to secure power for a new Revolution led by Vladimir Lenin Rumors of their survival lived on Seventy years later their remains were finally discovered in a hidden grave deep in a conveniently remote forest Russia closed the investigation into their assassination History needed them dead But based on an undisclosed recorded account we discover they lived And for the first time ever perhaps we also learn that there was a credible young eyewitness who saw a very different side to the Romanov mystery A U. Book Rescuing nicholas hoult S Army soldier from Chattanooga Tennessee who spent a remarkable two weeks with Nicholas Alexandra and a Grand Duchess aboard an American Red Cross train sixteen months after they were said to have been brutally killed Rescuing Nicholas as remembered by the soldier s family tells the story of the greatest unknown rescue mission in history Led by an American President and the King of England Kept secret from Congress and Parliament Carried out by the President s son in law the former head of the United States Secret Service and a future United States Senator and leading presidential candidate himself Hidden for a century now Ready to be revealed as the world comes to Russia and the murder village of Yekaterinburg for the FIFA 2018 World Cup ending just days before the centennial anniversary of this captivating political murder mystery July 17 2018 Nicholas Martin Hutson would record decades later in testimony before he himself passed nearly ten years before the allegedly late Russian monarch was said unearthed was not killed in Siberia Three other people were killed and their bodies chopped up with broadaxes They did not want me back alive afraid I might put the puzzle together Lies Loyalty Family War Mystery Power Bribery Bloody murder This book digs in to it all and explores in depth why Nicholas Romanov died as another eventual president who was there would later say so that he could live Rescuing Nicholas is a true story found buried deep in the American archives Will history care Rescuing Nicholas The Secret Mission to Save the Tsar Education Book 1.