Why Can't I Feel the Earth Spinning?: And Other Vital Questions about Science (Why is…?, 2) By James Doyle

2 This is a wonderful resource for the modern child who will ask age old science questions about the sky or dinosaurs but may also wonder When will I be able to go on vacation in space or Could I live on Mars I love reading fact finding books aimed at children because they get right down to the nitty gritty It was quite sobering to realize how far we ve come in the computer age when we find out the first computer was built in 1957 It was so enormous it had to be parceled out to many locations yet had less processing power than a mobile phone Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning And Other Vital Questions about Science Why is.

Why Can't I Feel the Earth Spinning?: And Other Vital Questions about Science (Why is…?, 2)All the random questions we have thought had been answered in one book Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning And Other Vital Questions about Science Why is 2 If you have a kid who loves to ask questions who loves to know how things work who likes learning factoids and then sharing them this is a book to put in their hands I love the question and answer format I love the wide breath of topics This covers things from dinosaurs to bodies to oceans to outer space and is full of interesting information The questions range from interesting to comical but they are all ones I can see coming from a child I found myself saying that s a great question page after page The answers are clear and conversational Kids who love science and learning about their world will love this book Note I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning And Other Vital Questions about Science Why is 2 Eks selliseid raamatuid ole maailmas palju ja p ris mitu on ka eesti keelde t lgitud v i eesti keeles originaalis kirjutatud K simused mida lapsed esitada v iks ja neile vastused Hiljuti ilmus eesti originaal Miks munad kukuvad aga mulle millegip rast ei meeldinud selle raamatu puhul see et oli kasutatud tehisintellekti vastuseid see v ib olla t iesti minu isiklik probleem ja m na aja p rast le minna aga hetkel oli nii Valisin lugemiseks just selle k esoleva raamatu sest mulle meeldis teistest rohkem selle raamatu visuaal V ga huvitav font mis esimesel hetkel llatab aga siis minuga s braks saab m nus lugeda silm haarab h sti Edasi raamatu ks kiht on lisaks teaduslikule harimisele visuaalse kultuurikihi kasvatamine Paljud illustreerivad pildid on v etud ajaloost erinevates sajanditest ja neil on juures korralikud aastaarvudega viited Lisaks on lisuurendatud makrofotosid n iteks milline n eb v lja pesemata n gu kuidas lestad seal paljunevad huuh Ja lisaks on koomiksilaadsed joonistused mis kelmika fondiga ja vahepealkirjadega kokku sobivad k ike tervikuks sidudes. Mida siis teada sain N iteks seda et k barasepad l ksid massiliselt hulluks teate ju ogarat k barseppa Alice imedemaal raamatust sest nad kasutasid villa ja naha t tlemisel elavh bedat V i et kirurgia arenedes arenes ka illegaalne laipade varastamine surnuaedadest ja nende m mine harjutavatele kirurgidele V i et dinosauria t hendab kohutavaid sisalikke ladina keeles. Kahju et raamat on tr kitud Hiinas ja siis siia saadetud Niimoodi oli kindlasti odavam aga ilmselt mitte keskkonnas bralikum Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning And Other Vital Questions about Science Why is 2 Barely organized filled with visuals that do little to support the scant information and riddled with factual errors No nitrogen is not a mineral. No 44000 gallons of fuel is not enough to fill 42000 cars No the Earth was not created in the big bang and why do you have to say it was 13700 million years ago Can t you just use billions like a normal person Actually stars do move This book should be used as an example of the need to critically examine texts Reviewed for childrensliterature. com Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning And Other Vital Questions about Science Why is 2 A provocative introduction to science which enables children to ask the questions that interest them most Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning is an irreverent and informative introduction to tricky questions about science How do we know what dinosaurs looked like Why does medicine taste so bad Why don t airplanes fall down Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning encourages children to start asking and answering questions for themselves The book is structured around twenty two questions Each section explores the question and answer with detailed illustrations photographs or diagrams and then asks further questions on a similar theme Children learn about how their bodies work why trees leaves are green why people dream and whether The Cloud is really a cloud Written with humor and full of fun illustrations Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning is the perfect primer for young inquisitive minds and budding scientists Illustrated in color throughout Why Can t I Feel the Earth Spinning And Other Vital Questions about Science Why is 2 Super villains and evil doers beware Soon my Superhero Handbook will be in the hands of all part time temporary and trainee superheroes This handbook will train all budding superheroes in the arts and ways of a true superhero Watch out for super updates I am extremely fortunate to have entered the world of writing for children Originally I started by writing wacky geography and science based books but have recently moved into the world of fiction and I especially want to help kids survive the impending zombie apocalypse and train them in the ways of a superheroGood Luck.