Leftover crack failing democracy lyrics
The layout of this book makes is a joy to read the chapter of how democracy works was kind of unnecessary to me because i understand politics but might be interesting for others overall a great quick read Niheer Dasandi This would be a good primer for students and people who want a good overview of the issues related to this question Also the way it s laid out with sidebars and chunks of text make it an easy read Niheer Dasandi A great overview of a complicated subject Interesting commentary about the wide range of concepts that come together to make the democratic process and the economic and social structures that support the everyday functionality of democracy It s way complex than you think yes even you Niheer Dasandi I would reread this A lot of it I knew already but the information is well presented and important It does not go as deep as it could like all the titles in this series but it wasn t written for graduate students It s a good beginning if you are interested in this subject I am very saddened that since the 1990 s democracy has been in retreat Back then communism ended apartheid ended all the Latin American dictators were swept away but unfortunatelym 90 s are over and things are headed back in the wrong direction again Niheer Dasandi This book is a perfect starter for those of you who want a brush of what democracy is history challenges current condition and whatnot But no it will not bring you deep analysis or rich points of views Despite its very engaging title the content that actually discuss the notion of failing democracy is only a chapter long So. Leftover crack failing democracy lyrics a friendly airport read enough for you to get by for a cocktail convo but if you re already familiar with democracy and equipped with global news day to day you can leave it Niheer Dasandi This captivating entry in the Big Idea series explores the history of democracy as well as its evolution and viability moving forward Only four countries around the world do not currently define themselves as democracies However many do not fulfill the four basic requirements of free and fair elections active participation of citizens in politics protection of human rights and the rule of law Recently far right and populist politicians have been on the rise throughout the West Is populism the new face of democracy Is democracy simply the will of the people Can any existing government claim to be truly democratic In Is Democracy Failing writer Niheer Dasandi an expert in government and political science investigates these questions with careful consideration This captivating articulate volume in the Big Idea series explores the state of democracy today and whether it remains a viable form of government c 150 illustrations Is Democracy Failing First of all i ll start by pointing out what i like about this book i like that this book offers you with great visual like pictures the texts etc Because from that it made this book became interesting in my opinion There s a description of figures political definitions events etc So if you re not a political or social sciences student you ll find this very helpful to understand it Next what i don t really like about this book As a political science student and a 3rd year right now when i bought this book i expect the material to be complex Like data about why is it right now the democracy is tended to be authoritarian for example and many well i expect it to offers data instead this book is a bit too basic for me because most of the content in this book i already learned it during my classes so nothing really new The conclusion is a bit too clich I mean okay i get it that our democracy is failing right now but from the conclusion there s no data or strong argument about what can we do right now or what can we learn from it Overall if you re not a polsci or sosci student and want to learn the basic of democracy also if you want to get a slight insight of democracy from the scratch how democracy right now and and why is it failing i guess this book is right for you Niheer Dasandi The first half is interesting laying out the foundations of how democracy came to be and spread through out the world But the second half of the book really instills a feeling of hopelessness As a citizen of the US I can truthfully say that we feel disengaged from politics because the news is a constant bombardment because our government can t seem to pass any legislation in the interest of the people and because corporate interests are deeply engrained in nearly all of not all levels of our government It really seems as if our votes don t matter but I ll keep voting because there has to be a sliver of hope somewhere Niheer Dasandi This type of book is very rare and I am delighted that I stumbled upon this It s a mix of graphic design and political sciences books both of which I learned back then in the university The book starts with a thorough definition and then analyzes democracy in many parts of the world The author is very well researched to answer the question in the title why the concept of democracy is failing Every graphic and image in this book are also researched and fitted perfectly with the issue discussed in the chapter And the layout makes it very easy to read with extra information for someone with no background to political sciences I will re read it again in the future for references in politics or graphic design Niheer Dasandi This is not a biased review at all This book starts by giving a brief but well explained account of the evolution of democracy before turning to the main subject of whether the political and social concept of democracy is failing The text is very well written and the images to go along with the text have been suitably selected. Democracy is not failing It is an easy read for what is quite an intricate question Niheer Dasandi This was a really nice well informed and wise introduction to the basics even to someone like myself who s not just starting out but has been reading about this stuff at a bit higher level it was a good recap and gap filler I eventually grew to like the weird nonlinear was the text was arranged too with a lot of it being in image captions and term name explanations as a gut feeling based guess it might have fostered deeper cognitive engagement Niheer Dasandi.