H lt sich aber so gut es geht an eine chronologische Abfolge Dadurch kann man dem Buch sehr gut folgen und wei immer an welchem Punkt in Hesses Leben man gerade ist. Hesselbein tire Dieses Buch gibt einen guten Einblick in Hesses Leben und ich habe richtig Lust bekommen mich mit diesem neuen Hintergrundwissen nochmal an die Lekt re einiger seiner Werke zu machen 0674737881 That s the way it is the reader of the final stage isn t actually a reader any He scorns Goethe He has no need for Shakespeare The reader of the final stage no longer reads a thing What s the point of books when he has now the whole world within himself 0674737881 This biography offers a thorough examination of Hesse s works and life Here is a creative man concealed within contradictions He appears to have been on a lifelong search for that elusive connection between spirit and life For him.
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I want to give this biography a 3. Hessen antique 5 rating for its exhaustive research and details but what shines in this regard fades in getting into the spirit and soul of this unusual writer I read most of Hesse s books from the age of 17 to my early 20 s DEMIAN was such a pivotal transforming work at that tender age I recall spending nights talking with like minded friends about how mystical it all was Then came STEPPENWOLF followed by one of my all time favorites MAGISTER LUDI I could go on and on about the rich spiritual depths of Hesse s inner journey as conveyed in his novels Perhaps I was expecting a different sort of biography but this work was too engrossed in details I found superfluous I find that any biography of this author should be on things like his friendship with Thomas Mann who really talked the Nobel committee into granting his friend that coveted prize and the author s inner depths than on the rather pedestrian peripatetic details of his life One minor aspect I became a wee bit annoyed with was the author s description of Rudolf Steiner a most misunderstood figure In here Decker states that Hesse seemed to believe Steiner was some kind of guru and a lousy one at that Well as a reader of R Steiner s material some 20 years the last thing Steiner wanted to be was some guru As far as women being his acolytes many men to this day are avid readers of this misunderstood genius work I can tell you that All this aside this is a very exhaustive read on details that simply were not all that important when it comes to this unusually gifted author 0674737881 Niesamowita biografia o wielkim arty cie 0674737881 Against the horrors of Nazi dictatorship and widespread disillusionment with the forces of mass culture and consumerism Hermann Hesse s stories inspired nonconformity and a yearning for universal values Few today would doubt Hesse s artistry or his importance to millions of devoted readers But just who was the author of Siddhartha Steppenwolf and Demian Gunnar Decker weaves together previously unavailable sources to offer a unique interpretation of the life and work of Hermann Hesse Drawing on recently discovered correspondence between Hesse and his psychoanalyst Josef Lang Decker shows how Hesse reversed the traditional roles of therapist and client and rethinks the relationship between Hesse s novels and Jungian psychoanalysis He also explores Hesse s correspondence with Stefan Zweig recently unearthed to find the source of Hesse s profound sense of alienation from his contemporaries Decker s biography brings to life this icon of spiritual searching and disenchantment who galvanized the counterculture in the 1960s and feels newly relevant today Hesse The Wanderer and His ShadowHesse ist schon seit meiner Jugend einer meiner Lieblingsautoren Es gibt Werke die mag ich unglaublich gerne aber auch welche die fand ich nur ok Jedoch steckt in jedem Werk etwas autobiographisches Dies wird durch Der Wanderer und sein Schatten nochmal deutlich Der Autor berichtet ber Hesses Leben und stellt dabei immer die Verbindung zu seinen Werken her Zudem geht er zwar thematisch vor as the title suggests the dark does not disappear when illuminated It just keeps moving farther away At times Hesse would find a burst of unexpected color amidst the blowing debris on life s pathways I saw a frowning man with his arms wrapped tightly about him against the cold gusts of Pietism Hitler s Germany and sadly women Women are the eternal stranger Hesse and his three wives all moved in opposite directions He only considered males to be his intellectual equal A loner who went beyond craving solitude He required it He was a lover of nature Here was where he sought solace and times of transcendence Music also provided him with comfort particularly Chopin When his vision failed him the sounds of Chopin s piano pieces so pure and true would transport him to his childhood He d recall the scent of sunlight on his skin and the vivid colours of wildflowers everywhere This from a man who could not bear to be touched A man in conflict until his death he was never able to completely free himself from his upbringing He was raised in an extremely strict religious family As a consequence he expressed shame and disapproval of many people and much in life Until he hit old age he described the theatre and dancing as irresponsible acts silly immature and possibly insane Yet he rejected the faith of his family and searched for a personal interpretation of the divine He wandered away from a life of power and status and lived outside the rules and regulations of the times Above all he was a believer in being true to yourself and nothing else All answers could be found within The keys to the kingdom he was fond of saying are in each of our hands In the end he was a man apart from others A friend Andre Gide wrote of Hesse and so he left me standing there with no explanation or word of farewell This biography dissects all his novels which includes Hesse s copious notes It was so intricate that I became fatigued reading it However if I were to re read them I d have a distinctly different perspective after completing this 800 page work His notes on The Glass Beat Game are extraordinary 0674737881 I finished this book eight months ago Today I feel like writing a review Details may be few and far between. Hessen antique In the interim read Paltia s review of this book It s probably better than mine anyway Don t forget to Like hers 0674737881 Hesse s writing was highly influential at least in affective dimensions when I in my 20 s I looked forward to receiving this biography which has been out for awhile to rekindle my enthusiasm for the work not necessarily the man though I was curious enough to buy the book. Kindle hesse There s plenty here to satisfy that urge Hesse had a highly intentional rich life during a turbulent period that marred a critical period of his personal and professional development World War I It makes for a fascinating read You can get a sense for this from his Wikipedia page of course I read the English version What is a bit jarring though is the presentation of inferred psychological states viewpoints and opinions as fact Here s a tame example All three were on the run from their former lives They had how no idea how the future would turn out They were banking on the mercy of a spirit of salvation on true friendship Plausible but there s a lot of literary license taking here. Hess kinderklinik bremen On the other hand this treatment of inference as fact leads to some prose that is dramatically heightened It makes for lively if lofty reading even when credulity is stretched For example from the same passage p 477 consider So what was the common bond between Hugo Ball and Emmy Hennings in 1920 The blows that fate had dealt them over the war years just past had knocked all the exuberance out of both of them and life weighed heavily on them Their conversion was not meant rhetorically but was vital to their survival Praying together was the only point of fixity they could still identify in an age driven by a frenzy of destruction. Hessenschau They were also bonded with Hesse by common spiritual themes the demonic and exorcism libidinous urges and asceticism the sacred and the increasing banality of mass culture the task of the intellectual between social criticism and the timeless evocation of meaningfulness the monastic life religion and atheism the question of the cultic in religion action and contemplation the idea of the artist as narcissist Protestantism and Catholicism the role played by sacrifice for faith guilt and atonement the creation of heretics by institutions the neuroses of modern humans pantheism and mysticism . Hesseplaats Rilke called the aim of art that proceeds from piety understood in such a way the new life the vita nuova And it was this profoundly secret wish to have the capacity to change one s own life through the act of writing that Rilke identified in Hesse as well He expressed this idea in an image that was very pathos laden but highly apposite in all its resonant ambiguity His words kneel Similarly he also maintained It is as if his words were made of metal and read very slowly and heavily Yet Rilke also remarked on the shortcomings of Hesse s prose A great deal of abstraction had found its way into the book he claimed and these elegant formulations had not blended well with the rest of the material Here Rilke was ad dressing the fact that Hesse s style in An Hour Behind Midnight comes across as extremely aloof sometimes bordering on the kind of arts and craft esthetic he despised Rilke identified in this a certain Sunday best language yet the author seems to have actually felt too few Sundays many words appear just too new and unused for that Nevertheless the work was very unliterary by which Rilke meant In its best passages it is vital and idiosyncratic His reverence is sincere and profound His love is great and all emotions in the book are pious it is on the verge of art, Hessemath Ich h tte gerne noch tiefere Einblicke in Hesses Gedankenwelt bekommen Z: Book essentialism B warum war er so depressiv und Lebensm de Doch vielleicht hat er das selbst nie so tiefgr ndig reflektiert: Hessenschau Later same day Oops I wrote a long review in Apple Notes Then I deleted it Maybe another day: Hesseplaats Some bondage indeed On the other hand there s some semi literate literary criticism, Hessey brothers 60 This was a truly prophetic designation of the position from which Hesse wrote and which he would henceforth defend throughout his whole life . Hessen antique Which likely helped attract the attention of the twenty something me 0674737881 .