Luck Is Not a Plan for Your Future: Design your tomorrow today By Leslie Gallery-Dilworth

Luck is not a plan for your future book review

A woman s story of making her life her masterpiece integrating family and a career and living her ideal life Are you waiting for luck to start living your dream life Do you think successful people are lucky and you aren t In this book Leslie uses her personal and humorous life stories to illustrate how we can apply the principles of architectural design to change our circumstances and create our ideal life right now DISCOVER LESLIE S PROVEN TECHNIQUES Make your life your masterpiece Integrate family life and career Attract possibilities Choose your stress Connect to others Create your own luck From directing a successful international organization in Washington DC while living in her dream house that she designed herself in Santa Fe to raising two talented sons to traveling the world Leslie has created a dream life that made people say You re so lucky Here Leslie gives us the blueprint of how we can do it too Luck Is Not a Plan for Your Future Design your tomorrow todayConcise and fun to read valuable insight and advice to any young persons I d like to share this book with my high schooler to let her recognize the importance of seizing the day There are truly lots of opportunities when we open ourselves to them and Leslie shows in her fascinating life stories Luck Is Not a Plan for Your Future Design your tomorrow today

Luck Is Not a Plan for Your Future: Design your tomorrow today By Leslie Gallery-Dilworth
Kindle Edition
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Luck Is Not a Plan for Your Future: Design your tomorrow today.